
unnamed (73)

Carmen Cartagena

I am a broker/owner, Speaker, consultant, and NYS-certified real estate instructor with 20 years in the field of real estate

I have extensive educational and teaching experience in the areas of fair housing, diversity and real estate practice to maximize service delivery and productivity. In 2019, I opened the Urban Real Estate Training to provide training and consultation to assist agents prevent potential fair housing violations, expand their practice with diverse populations and improve service delivery in their everyday practice to  increase their business exponentially.

Teaching appointments include NYSAR Instructor, NAR Approved Instructor for At Home with Diversity and Bias Override certifications, Baruch College-CUNY, The Village Preservation,, private real estate brokerages, and former instructor for the Long Island Board of Realtors.

My educational background consists of BA in Cultural Anthropology from Columbia University and an MA in Urban Affairs from Queens College. I also currently serve as One-Key MLS Rules Enforcement Facilitator. I am a member of the NYSAR Fair Housing & Cultural Diversity Committee, Faculty Sub Committee, Housing Opportunities Committee and Local Board Education Forum. As a REEA member, I am a Gold Standard Instructor graduate and a member of the Communication and Education Committee. 


Here is what students who completed the fair housing course have to say about it!